Empowering Operators to Keep Moving Forward in day-to-day Activities

What happens if the drilling and work-over activities sequence can be optimized based on their influence on field production forecast? Or WRFM team decides on the next operation based on the field performance prediction instead of relying on simplified calculations?


Automation & Optimization of WRFM Workflows via a Hybrid AI-Physic Model

MEERA CENTRUM established a dynamic framework to optimize complicated WRFM workflows by quantifying the effect of each activity on the asset performance forecast that seamlessly brings together optimization, profit maximization, and associated cost reduction in day-to-day operations. MEERA CENTRUM production forecasts framework, in combination with activity sequence optimization, and economic modules, forms a uniquely intelligent engine capable of automating complicated WRFM processes in an optimized manner which will minimize the project CAPEX and OPEX while maximizing the production and revenues.


The list of activities, initiated from different disciplines, will be statically optimized to minimize the cost and maximize oil gain via MEERA CENTRUM Drilling and Workover sequencing modules. The optimized sequence will then be introduced to the asset AI-Physic model to update the field production forecast and evaluate the profitability of the operations via the MEERA CENTRUM Economic Analysis module. This workflow will be iterated until the dynamically optimized drilling and workover plan are obtained. Getting connected to the field observed database, this process will be relaunched whenever new data arrives and the activity sequence will be automatically updated.


Concrete alignment between development and operation planning

Production planning will take place based on the same information that has been used to design the development scenario. As a result, not only the field development concerns will be perfectly considered in the activity planning phase but also the effect of every single well intervention activity will be directly reflected on the field production forecast.

Fully Automatic and Dynamic Drilling and Workover sequencing

Using activity management modules to the up-to-date field production forecast, MEERA Centrum generates a dynamic sequence for drilling and workover activities which will be updated on a daily basis.

Expedited and technically informed decision making

By integrating the field static and dynamic data and getting connected to all required data sources, MEERA Centrum eliminates the need for assumptions.

Quickly Adapt to new production data and schedule changes

Using the constructed EverGreen model, any change in well performance will be directly reflected in the activity planning process